Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Day of Fun for the Students

Today was all about celebrating our students! The day started with relay races in the gym, the kids love the extra exercise. The races were followed by an extra special treat, a magic show. The Great Magician, Rich Lessig came to school and performed a very entertaining show. Even our oldest students took part in the fun and had a great time. After lunch, kids filled the gymnasium and were treated to popcorn and a movie on a giant screen.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bring in the Grandparents!

What student doesn't love to have their grandparents visit them at school? There were plenty of grandparents and grandparent substitutes on hand today for an afternoon of good old-fashioned BINGO with cookies and juice. No wonder everyone loves Catholic Schools Week!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Catholic Schools Week begins

Today marks the beginning of a special week for the OLSOS Regional school. We'll celebrate our Catholic school and many of those who are part of our community: students, families, faculty, and volunteers. Today's celebration was in honor of our church; students of each age from PreK through 8th participated in the 11 am Mass. It was wonderful to see students from the youngest to the oldest stand on the altar and speak confidently to the people attending mass. All students at OLSOS gain self-confidence through frequent practice of public speaking. A wonderful way to end the mass was by singing "This Little Light of Mine". See the video to hear our student chorus leading the congregation. Check back soon on the website for pictures from the mass.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reading already, wow!

The school's VOWAC language arts program really is the best. Only half way through their first year of full-time schooling and our kindergarten students are reading short-vowel stories. See the pride on their faces as they sit in the front of their classroom and read a story to their classmates.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Give Peace a Chance

A beautiful and moving prayer service took place today in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The liturgy was prepared and read by the third grade class. They did a wonderful job leading us. We prayed for our troops, sang songs about peace and each third grade student read about a hero who pursued his/her dreams.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sharks host St. Augustine

Sunday was a great day of basketball games and family fun. The Sharks looked super on the court and won two games and lost two games against St. Augustine's teams. The junior and senior cheer squads were super, and wonderful food was served at the OLSOS Gourmet Cafe. You can't beat the nail-biting excitement of the Varsity boys game; they were neck and neck the whole game, our boys lost by one point in the triple-overtime game when St. Augustine's hit a three-pointer in the final second!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Gimme an S-H-A-R-K-S!

"Whaddaya get? SHARKS! Say it again! SHARKS!" That's what could be heard in the gym this afternoon in addition to a whole lot of cheering and clapping as everyone gathered for a season-opening Pep Rally. The Junior and Senior cheer squads helped the students get "pepped up", and everyone cheered as the members of the four boy's and girl's basketball teams were announced!