Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pajama Day

In exchange for a donation to the food bank, students were permitted to wear their pajamas to school today. Amazingly, we had almost perfect attendance! One 3rd grade student had a super special day; her birthday is the same day as Pajama Day and she brought in appropriately-themed cupcakes to share with her classmates. 7th Grade members of Student Council are also shown with some of the donations collected.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Helping the Foodbank

Each Thursday during Lent, our students are given the opportunity to wear something outside of the standard dress code in exchange for a donation to the local food bank. It is a win-win situation; the students get to do something fun while helping others at the same time. This group of second grade students were happy to participate in Crazy Hair/Favorite Jersey day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It must be Tuesday

When you walk into the cafeteria and see children sporting handmade masks and shiny beads, you know it is a Tuesday during Lent at OLSOS. The third grade class sells masks, beads and baked goods every Tuesday from now through Easter break. All money raised through this service project is donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Our students are always willing to contribute to the cause!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is a very special day for us. It is time for renewal and reconciliation, the start of the season of Lent and the beginning of the preparation for Easter. The student body attended mass together and everyone received their ashes. Even our pre-schoolers were on their best behavior!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This Cheer Squad is Looking Good!

Finally, after weeks of waiting, the Senior Cheer Squad received their new uniforms. The girls were so enthusiastic, maybe even more so than usual. The did a super job cheering for the Sharks as they played Margaret Mace school.

Faculty and Staff Appreciation

The last day of Catholic Schools Week was reserved to celebrate teachers and staff. In the morning, teachers switched places with the teachers of their prayer partner grades. Anyone in the hallway couldn't help but chuckle listening to 7th grade teacher Mr. Beck teach the first graders to chant "I don't know what I've been told, Mr. Beck is made of gold..." Later in the morning, the faculty and staff were treated to a well-deserved mini chair massage.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Family Appreciation Dinner and Musical

On Thursday, the school celebrated our families. Students and their families enjoyed a delicious potluck dinner. There was an wonderful variety of delicious entrees, side dishes, salads and desserts. No one left hungry from this smorgasbord! Just as families were finishing their meal, the third and fourth grade students took to the stage to entertain us by performing the musical "Possibilities". The standing ovation was proof of the wonderful job they did!

Wednesday's Volunteer Appreciation Service

On Wednesday, the school celebrated and showed appreciation for its many volunteers. The 7th grade students led a prayer service to honor those who volunteer their time and talents. Although all volunteers were not able to attend, the names of all 58 were read.